The concept of LIINES emerged from the most basic associations between, and inherent within, the elements of underground hip hop.

Emcees write lines to spit bars.  Producers link lyricists to beats.  Deejays connect listeners to artists and use the grooves on vinyl as guides.  B-boys/girls form lines with the body.  Graffiti writers draw lines with the spray can, their canvases running on rail lines. I write lines from it all.

LIINES is about unexpected connections.





  • Listening Booth. Each month I choose a theme, featuring interactive underground hip hop tracks in an essay on that theme, drawing lines to other mediums or current, personal, or historical events, creating new associations and ideas.

  • Sample this. My curated collection of audio from a range of sources. As some of the most evocative and dynamic elements in underground hip hop production, I love how samples anchor compositions with nuance and complexity. Coming soon.

  • Thruways. I constantly see lines between underground tracks and my photographic or video images. I will post new projects there.

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I’m listening

If you’d like to discuss a topic further or have your work featured in an upcoming issue, reply to the LIINES email or DM me at @fawnfindslove


Peace, - Dana

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Impressions of underground hip hop, graffiti, trains, breaking, and life from a non-linear thinker.


Essayist, music curator. Founder of LIINES underground hip hop journal, where ill rhymes, critical thought, and illumination intersect. Film and editing enthusiast. Film Club member since 2023.